Sunday, Sep 29, 2024

Arts & Design

OCAD Flash Workshops Begin This Week

September 24, 2005
As classes begin to settle down and new students feel more comfortable around campus, OCAD will officially begin its semester long workshops for graphic design majors. Each week, an instructor or guest instructor will offer open lectures and work time in relation to graphic design, web design, drawing, and art history. 

Students will benefit from attending designated workshop hours to enhance their studies or get extra help on assignments. Scheduled workshops for the upcoming month include techniques in Flash and experimental projects. Workshops are open to all students, but only on first-come-first-serve basis due to limited settings. 

Students may check their My Olivet accounts to see entire workshop schedule.
Events / Calendar
  • Sep 30

    Late add/drop courses with fee begins

  • Oct 04

    Last day to add courses with fee

  • Oct 11

    Last day to drop courses with fee

  • Oct 14

    Columbus Day is a normal instruction day

  • Oct 15

    * Doctoral Colloquium (October 15 - October 21)