Master of Arts in Translation and Interpretation students from Olivet language school improve their terminology research and glossary building skills in the Terminology Management & Research course.
In the last week of March, the Olivet School of Language Education welcomed two professional instructors Maria Castillo and Erin Myles from the Hemet Unified School District English Language Development Department for a training session.
In order to improve the English reading, listening and speaking skills, the Olivet School of Language Education (OSLE) at Olivet University (OU) main campus recently started a reading program for English as a Second Language (ESL) students.
The Olivet Institute of Language Education (OSLE) had an exclusive interview with instructor Eric Rosales on teaching at Olivet University (OU).
The Olivet School of Language Education (OSLE) released a list of programs that are aimed at improving students' English-learning skills. Introduction to TESOL Methods,
Concluding the Spring Quarter, ESL students held a wonderful ESL Night with graceful performances on at the Riverside Campus.
When a student dreams of their higher education experience they have many options to choose from. In America alone there are over 4,000 colleges and universities and within those institutions over 1 million students are international students.
Olivet School of Language and Education plans to introduce a new TESOL program in Spring 2017. In relation to the mission of Olivet to equip ministry-bound men and women with the practical skills to preach
On September 23, 2016, Olivet University held its Fall Convocation services on campuses nationwide. Riverside, Dover, and San Francisco campuses each welcomed
Students from the Olivet School of Language and Education in the Riverside campus joined a community event on Sunday, April 24, helping serve lunch to local families.