
OTCS Students Form Theological Fellowship

Oct 15, 2015

A group of students at Olivet Theological College & Seminary recently formed a theological fellowship in order to stay on top of their studies and succeed in their classes.


Christian Ethics Course Popular Among OTCS Students

Oct 13, 2015

Christian Ethics has proven to be a popular course this quarter at Olivet Theological College & Seminary with high enrollment and lively class discussions.


Audio Recording Session Inspires Jubilee Students

Oct 12, 2015

Jubilee School recently held a recording session in Nashville, Tennessee, where students picked up some audio engineering techniques.


Doctoral Students Attend Orientation, Encouraged to Achieve Their Vision

Oct 01, 2015

Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies held its orientation Tuesday for the new academic year at Olivet University's San Francisco campus.


OSMC Features Course on Television & Broadcasting

Sep 30, 2015

Olivet School of Media and Communication, OSMC, added a new course on broadcast journalism for Fall Quarter.


Olivet University Kicks Off Fall 2015 With Emphasis on God's Word

Sep 25, 2015

Earlier this week, Olivet University held its 2015 Convocation at the Riverside campus to dedicate the start of the new school year to God and to kick off the Fall 2015 quarter.


Music & Worship Seminar Emphasizes Devotionals

Sep 25, 2015

In a special Music & Worship seminar in San Francisco, the Dean of Olivet University's Jubilee College of Music, Dr. Merril Smoak, encouraged students to hold a devotional time before rehearsals.


OBS Expands Business Library Collections

Sep 23, 2015

Olivet Business School purchased more than 100 business books that are to be added into its collections in San Francisco, CA this week.


Doctor of Ministry Oral Defense Schedules Released

Sep 18, 2015

Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies, ZSDS, has scheduled the oral defense for Doctor of Ministry students on OCT 5-7, 2015 in San Francisco

Engineering / IT

Data Exchanges Explored Though Web Service & Programming

Sep 16, 2015

Olivet Institute of Technology, OIT, looks to equip students with the latest information and data exchanges, concepts, as well as successful practices of web services this quarter
