
Olivet Delegates Attend ABHE 75th Annual Meeting

Feb 19, 2022

Olivet University delegates gathered in Orlando, FL for this year's Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) Annual Meeting. The Association for Biblical Higher Education celebrates its 75th anniversary under the theme of "Celebrating God's Faithfulness."

Arts & Design

OSAD Assoc. Dean Serves as Artist-in-Residence at ABHE Event

Feb 18, 2022

Professor Zimou Tan, Associate Dean of Olivet School of Art and Design, served for a second time as the Artist-in-Residence at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Association for Biblical Higher Education in Orlando, Florida. Professor Tan took part during the event at Olivet University's premiere sponsor booth and drew great interest from attendees.


Singing a New Song: Instructions from the Psalms - Dr. Merril Smoak

Feb 09, 2022

Several times in the Psalms we find the admonition to "sing a new song." As worship leaders and church musicians this should immediately get our attention. We are always looking for a new song to learn and then teach to our congregations.

Language Education

Riverside ESL Program Welcomes a New Instructor

Feb 07, 2022

Olivet School of Language and Education (OSLE) Riverside welcomes a new ESL instructor, Mr. Eugene Duckworth.


Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies Convenes Meeting with First-Year D.Min. Students

Jan 31, 2022

Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies (ZSDS) held a virtual meeting with the first-year students in the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program.


OTCS Professor Discusses Romans Project to Support Frontline Missionaries

Jan 29, 2022

Dr. Christy Tran, professor of New Testament whose work primarily focuses on Pauline theology, discussed her latest project: Romans bible study catered to frontline mission workers.


Business School MBA Program Offers Various Finance Courses in Winter Quarter

Jan 24, 2022

The students of the Olivet Business School MBA Program welcomed 2022 by preparing to have fun with numbers.

Arts & Design

Riverside Student Design Club Hosts Visual Media Special Seminar

Jan 15, 2022

Olivet University Riverside campus Design Club hosted a special seminar on visual media in the first week of the Winter quarter. Professor Ezra Park introduced the basics of photography, video editing, and 3D modeling.


David James Randolph Library Renovation in Progress

Jan 14, 2022

Olivet School of Media and Communication (OSMC) reports the progress of David James Randolph Library renovation.

Engineering / IT

OIT Faculty Attends CES 2022 Conference

Jan 14, 2022

Faculty from Olivet Institute of Technology, OIT, attended the CES 2022 Conference virtually from Jan 5-6. It helped the faculty to keep abreast on the latest technology trend for this coming year. OIT plans to design new course material to teach students cutting-edge technology as well as apply them towards innovation.