The Olivet Institute of Technology San Francisco, OIT, will be opening a new course called Information Retrieval for the upcoming Spring Quarter Information retrieval is the process through which a computer system can respond to a user's query for text-based (or other format) information on a specific topic.
Olivet Institute of Technology (OIT) in San Francisco plans to introduce a new course on robotics in the graduate and doctoral curricula during the 2020 academic year.
The University's OIT, Olivet Institute of Technology, program will delve into machine learning and robotics through its course offerings in the 2020 Winter quarter.
At the end of its Fall Quarter, Olivet Institute of Technology organized guest lectures to provide broader perspectives.for students in the Computer Networking course.
Olivet Institute of Technology held a special lecture and discussion on video streaming technology for their Ph.D. students this week.
Faculty and students from Olivet Institute of Technology participated in the Berkeley Stanford China Forum 2019 held at Mountain View, CA on Sept. 28-29.
Olivet Institute of Technology has plans to offer Android Development as one of the courses for the upcoming Fall Quarter at the OU San Francisco campus.
Olivet Institute of Technology students who are pursuing their Master of Arts in Information Technology course presented their capstone project thesis last week.
Olivet Institute of Technology has been hosting its summer long coding camp at Olivet University's Mill Valley campus in California to much delight from their engaged students.
Olivet Institute of Technology in San Francisco Mill Valley's campus is planning to host a summer coding camp this Mid July until Mid August.