
OTCS San Francisco Opens "Systematic Theology II" course for Winter Quarter

Jan 06, 2021

For the upcoming Winter Quarter, OTCS San Francisco provides the "Systematic Theology II" course for OU online and OU San Francisco students. For the course, professor Dr. Joseph Lee gives lectures principally pertaining to Christology and Soteriology.


OTCS Faculty Engage in Evangelical Theological Society Virtual Conferences

Dec 17, 2020

Olivet Theological College and Seminary (OTCS) faculty virtually engaged in a series of major conferences as part of ongoing professional development, including the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS).


Homiletics Class: Preaching By Your Life the Living Word of God

Oct 12, 2020

Homiletics, the art of preaching or writing sermons, is not just about the practical skills but an expression of your living faith, according to Dr. Yagobo Kim at Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS).


Interview with M.Div. Graduate: Becoming Ready for God's Work

Jul 16, 2020

Many perceived the study of divinity simply as the study of theology or doctrines, but it actually means much more for anyone who aspires to God's service.


Creative Writing Activities Help MAT Students Connect with the World of Art

May 30, 2020

MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) students in the "Exploring Art and Movement" course gave presentations on how to teach creative writing with art.


OTCS Motivates Online Learning with New Testament I Course

May 16, 2020

Olivet Theological College & Seminary's New Testament I weekly online class has been helping seminary students to keep up their enthusiasm for learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Theological Prolegomena Lays Foundational Study for Divinity Students

Apr 15, 2020

Olivet Theological College and Seminary's Theological Prolegomena course, lectured by Dr. Joseph Lee, kicked off in Olivet University San Francisco this week. Seminary students look forward to studying the course which would set them on the right track of theological studies in the years ahead.


Students Reflect on the Sovereignty of God in History of Christianity Class

Mar 20, 2020

"God is the master of our history." - this is the one important message that students have learned from the History of Christianity course offered by Olivet Theological College and Seminary (OTCS) in the Winter quarter.


Seminary Students Examine Reformed Church Doctrines Through the Study of Romans

Feb 25, 2020

Dr. Christy Tran of Olivet Theological College and Seminary is leading the Romans I course through the 2020 Winter quarter.


Seminary Students Reflect on Apostle Paul's Born-Again Through Study of Romans

Jan 29, 2020

Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) has brought forth many courses for students in the Winter quarter, allowing students to schedule their classes that meet their academic goals. One of the highly anticipated courses is Romans Part I.