Sunday, Feb 09, 2025


Olivet University Dover Students Take a Deep Dive into Christology and Soteriology

April 19, 2021

Olivet University Dover concluded the "Systematic Theology II" course for the winter quarter of 2021. Students were strengthened both academically and spiritually by the profound knowledge of Christology and Soteriology, two foundational doctrines of Christianity.

Students explored the thoughts of theologians Dr. Millard J. Erickson, Dr. Wayne Grudem and Dr. Louis Berkhof, and participated in group discussions moderated by the instructor. They were able to focus on specific topics deepening their theological understanding. Students were also given ample opportunity to reflect meaningfully on these theological ideas and questions from a personal perspective and in the context of mission service.

"As we meditate and explore these topics together, I pray that this course can help us be better equipped to explain some of the more challenging theological questions that arise for both believers and non-believers. May it help us 'always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have' (1 Peter 3:15), with the wish to fulfill the Great Commission," said the instructor Jana Rebrova.

Events / Calendar
  • Feb 17

    President's Day

  • Feb 27

    Deadline to withdraw courses

  • Feb 27

    Thursday Last day to apply for Winter quarter Leave of Absence

  • Mar 19

    Last day of classes

  • Mar 20

    Final exam period