
ZSDS Plans to Launch New Website in Early September

Aug 31, 2019

The Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies is planning to launch its brand-new website to better serve the current and prospective students in early September.

Language Education

ESL Concludes Summer, Field Trip to Christian-Themed Art Site

Aug 29, 2019

ESL students from Olivet School of Language Education concluded the 2019 Summer quarter with a field trip to the Salvation Mountain site.


JCM Made Systematic Study Plan for Violin Classes

Aug 29, 2019

Jubilee College of Music made a system chart for violin performance classes responding to the increased interest in violin study at Olivet University Riverside campus.


Olivet Business School to Welcome New Students with Tour of Wall Street

Aug 23, 2019

The Olivet Business School, OBS, is currently organizing a back to school tour event of Wall Street and its surrounding area in the financial district of New York City.

Engineering / IT

IT Capstone Students Present Web Crawler, App Development Projects

Aug 23, 2019

Olivet Institute of Technology students who are pursuing their Master of Arts in Information Technology course presented their capstone project thesis last week.

Arts & Design

OSAD Associate Dean Wins "Best of Show" Award at Art Alliance Exhibition

Aug 15, 2019

Olivet School of Arts and Design Associate Dean Professor Zimou Tan participated in the art competition-cum-exhibition organized by the Idyllwild Art Alliance and won the "Best of Show" award for his artwork.


OSMC Updates Graduate Program, MDiv-MA Journalism Joint Program Curricula

Aug 15, 2019

Olivet School of Media and Communication has updated its graduate journalism programs for the academic year 2019-2020, placing more emphasis on multimedia skills training.

Arts & Design

OSAD Concludes Summer Intensive Oil Painting Workshop

Aug 08, 2019

Olivet School of Arts and Design Summer Intensive Oil Painting Workshop has concluded last Friday. Many students who had zero experience with oil painting were able to produce amazing portraits through this workshop.


OTCS Systematic Theology Course Delves into Solid Theological Topics

Aug 08, 2019

Olivet Theological College & Seminary students explore foundational and solid theological topics in their systematic theology summer quarter class.

Engineering / IT

OIT Students Share Summer Coding Camp Experience

Aug 01, 2019

Olivet Institute of Technology has been hosting its summer long coding camp at Olivet University's Mill Valley campus in California to much delight from their engaged students.