The Olivet Business School, OBS, is currently organizing a back to school tour event of Wall Street and its surrounding area in the financial district of New York City.
Olivet Institute of Technology students who are pursuing their Master of Arts in Information Technology course presented their capstone project thesis last week.
Olivet School of Arts and Design Associate Dean Professor Zimou Tan participated in the art competition-cum-exhibition organized by the Idyllwild Art Alliance and won the "Best of Show" award for his artwork.
Olivet School of Media and Communication has updated its graduate journalism programs for the academic year 2019-2020, placing more emphasis on multimedia skills training.
Olivet School of Arts and Design Summer Intensive Oil Painting Workshop has concluded last Friday. Many students who had zero experience with oil painting were able to produce amazing portraits through this workshop.
Olivet Theological College & Seminary students explore foundational and solid theological topics in their systematic theology summer quarter class.
Olivet Institute of Technology has been hosting its summer long coding camp at Olivet University's Mill Valley campus in California to much delight from their engaged students.
Jubilee College of Music students attended the 17th anniversary of Jubilee World. The Anniversary was held in the Grand Orpheum Theatre in St. Louis, MO on July 10th, 2019.
The 2019 Doctoral Colloquium for the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies will be held at Olivet University's San Francisco Campus in Mill Valley, CA.
Olivet School of Arts and Design began its summer intensive oil painting workshop from July 22. Students from various majors signed up for the workshop and have started to attend the sessions from the first day.