
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Message - Olivet University

Jan 19, 2015

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


OBS Introduces MBA Business Law Course for New Quarter

Jan 14, 2015

For the upcoming 2015 Winter Quarter, Olivet Business School (OBS) will begin offering a new Business Law course as part of its curriculum. 


Zinzendorf Dean Delivers Presentation at ETS Annual Meeting

Dec 18, 2014

Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies Dean Dr. Donald Tinder gave a presentation on the topic "Denominationalism: The Mostly Missing Topic within Ecclesiology" at the 2014 Evangelical Theological Society's 66th annual meeting in San Diego, CA.


Winter Doctoral Colloquium Offers Zinzendorf Students Inspiration

Dec 16, 2014

Olivet University's Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies held its Doctor of Ministry Colloquium for Candidates to present their projects at its Riverside, CA campus in December.


Jubilee Dean Receives Award of Excellence

Nov 13, 2014

On October 20, 2014 The Fellowship of California Church Musicians' Conference presented to Dr. Merril Smoak, Dean of Olivet University's Jubilee College of Music, the JOSEPH DANIEL EXCELLENCE IN CHURCH MUSIC AWARD. The award states that Dr. Smoak was presented the Joseph Daniel Award "For his excellent musical leadership for the cause of Christ in California."

Arts & Design

OCAD Planning New On-Campus Art Gallery

Nov 13, 2014

Olivet University's Art and Design College held meetings to map out the future space for its new art gallery. In collaboration and sponsorship with Olivet College of Journalism Dean and former Olivet University president Dr. David Randolph, the new space will be named the David Randolph Art Center.


Doctor of Ministry Oral Defense Completed

Oct 21, 2014

The Oral Defense for the Zinzendorf Doctor of Ministry program concluded on October 9th resulting in candidates successfully defending their final papers.


Zinzendorf Doctoral Colloquium To Be Held in South Korea

Oct 15, 2014

The Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies' D. Min. Colloquium is planned for Oct 20th -24th, 2014 in Seoul, Korea. The main purpose of the Colloquium will be to review and approve Doctor of Ministry project proposals...


OCAD Launches New Portfolio Site

Oct 01, 2014

Graduates from the class of 2014 can now preview their latest works online with a new revamped portfolio website, showcasing student's work from the Olivet College of Art and Design, OCAD.


Jubilee Music Dean Launches Bi-Monthly Writings on Music and Worship

Sep 27, 2014

"Always Singing" is the title of a new bi-monthly postings by Jubilee College of Music Dean Dr. Merril Smoak. The sub-title of this new column is "Notes from Dr. Smoak about Music & Worship."
