Sunday, Sep 29, 2024


Class of 2005 celebrates graduation

June 10, 2005

Congratulations, Class of 2005!

On a crisp and clear June 9, Olivet University faculty, staff, and students gathered in the school's chapel to celebrate Commencement 2005. In total, thirty students ventured forth to a life of new challenges, diplomas in hand.

They listened to the commencement address delivered by Olivet President, Dr. David Jang, who instructed them to "carry the yoke of Christ" and be the ministers who open a history of life and a history of great mission.

He told them that people of faith are optimistic, and should therefore remember to always trust in the Lord and live the rest of their lives with a great vision.

With promise, this year\'s new generation of Olivet University graduates will travel far and wide, working in diverse ministries around the globe. Some plan to go directly into the pulpit ministry, while others will serve in the nonprofit sector. There will also be those who pursue further academic training, possibly becoming educators themselves.

As they enter the "real world," the class of 2005 will do well to remember the words of Dr. Ray Tallman, Director of Middle East Missions, who reminded the graduates of the purpose behind their studies.

"The Lord has walked with you in the process of learning. Now you are going to take the yoke and put somebody next to you because what you have learned, you now have to pass on to other people," said Dr. Tallman.

"What you have learned in Olivet, you will now prove in the world," he added. "You are God's special people in taking the truth and the gospel of the Lord to the rest of the world."

At the commencement ceremony, graduates ascended to the chapel podium one by one to receive their diplomas from President David Jang. They then greeted Dean Bill Wagner, Dean Carol Hansen, Dean Merril Smoak Jr., Professor Dr. Ray Tallman, and Dr. Tom Cowley. Of the 30 graduates receiving degrees, 14 were awarded the Master of Divinity, while 16 received their Bachelor of Theology.

As the commencement exercises concluded, graduating students heard Dr. Bill Wagner, Dean of Olivet Theological College & Seminary, delivered the last official words of the day.

He said, "We want to commit this time to thank God and praise Him and Jesus Christ our Savior, for he shall be the one who receives all glory and honor at this time…"

Events / Calendar
  • Sep 30

    Late add/drop courses with fee begins

  • Oct 04

    Last day to add courses with fee

  • Oct 11

    Last day to drop courses with fee

  • Oct 14

    Columbus Day is a normal instruction day

  • Oct 15

    * Doctoral Colloquium (October 15 - October 21)