Saturday, Sep 28, 2024


Olivet University e-Library Re-vamped and Now Open

October 03, 2008
Olivet University's R&D team announced a major breakthrough last week regarding the development of the new e-Library. After nearly a year of development, the e-library development team finished the final touches of version 2.0 of the new Olivet University e-Library, which is a complete re-engineering of the previous e-Library that Olivet had been using.

The new e-Library is developed under the name of the Ralph D Winter Library Project. With the significant University resources that has gone into this new library, the goals of the e-Library was to make it something that other Christian organizations can benefit from. The project aims to work with Christian publishers to make their content available online, and with Christian organizations to provide a versatile platform for accessing quality resources.

The e-Library re-opens with access to 8 collections, including 3 licensed collections. Those collections are the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (800+ Christian e-books), Theological Research Exchange Network (7000+ Christian dissertations), and EBSCO (4,600+ academic journals and 7,000,000+ full-text articles). The other collections are primarily public-domain content and constitute over 20,000 audio and e-books. All of the content is cataloged using the MARC21 library standard.

Orientation on the new library is being scheduled this week and next week for all students. Parties interested in contacting the RDWLP staff, or to get a demo access to the library can visit
Events / Calendar
  • Sep 30

    Late add/drop courses with fee begins

  • Oct 04

    Last day to add courses with fee

  • Oct 11

    Last day to drop courses with fee

  • Oct 14

    Columbus Day is a normal instruction day

  • Oct 15

    * Doctoral Colloquium (October 15 - October 21)