Students in Olivet College of Art & Design are wrapping up their semester studies with a clearer perspective on the professional world of graphic design.
Last week, OCAD instructor Cameron Ewing invited students to join a lecture series sponsored by AIGA, The Professional Association for Design, held at the headquarter offices of Adobe Systems, Inc. in San Francisco, CA. Lectures featured industry celebs providing poignant insight into current trends in digital graphics and the interactive marketing industry.
Among the brands with creative works featured at the event were Nike, LEGO, Coca-Cola, and Volkswagen. Expert advice from featured speakers left students ruminating on messages such as “don’t dictate, but add value to what consumers are doing,” and “make things more fun in hopes of changing behavior.”
The outing was conceived, in part, as a springboard for development of OCAD students’ final projects, due later this year. Ewing, who organized the activity, teaches GD230 Digital Imaging this semester.