Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024


ZSDS student inaugurated as Principal of ICBM

September 16, 2014

One of the PhD students from ZSDS, Rev Ndaba Mazabane, was recently inaugurated as the 4th Principal ​of International College of Bible and Mission​s​ (ICBM), South Africa.

Rev Mazabane is currently an Associate Pastor of his local church. To response to the question whether a new role as the Principal​ is a big challenge, he said: "I don't think it's impossible because my role as a Pastor and a Principal will benefit the church and the College at the same time. I don't see that as a major challenge but a great partnership that is needed today." Rev Mazabane thinks it is an interesting dynamics when ​a ​church can partner with ​a ​B​ible College to help train and develop leadership.

The newly-inaugurated Principal said that his engagement in the PhD program at Olivet will benefit the College by strengthening the faculty and building capacity in leadership. He was also impressed by the PhD program because it looks at Global Theological Stud​ies ​and it will assist him in helping churches and the College not to be self-focused but see beyond ​them​sel​ves​. Rev Mazabane's plan and direction for the institute is to train lay leaders in the churches of the surrounding area to be highly effective ministers in their churches and highly effective members of their communities.

Established in 2000, ICBM has a vision to see hundreds of men and women trained for vocational Christian ministry beyond the BA (Honors) in Theology the College offers, to pursuing the Masters degree level elsewhere, so that they will be effective in making disciples of all the nations through a firm grasp of Systematic and Practical Theology, Missions, Christian Education, Biblical Counseling, and Youth Ministry, both within South Africa and outside its borders.

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