Sunday, Feb 09, 2025

Arts & Design

Olivet University Networks with Anza Community to Document Town's History

November 22, 2019

The Olivet School of Art and Design has spent the past quarter collaborating with local residents and professionals on a special project that will document and preserve the history of Anza. Participating in the project are OSAD Associate Dean Professor Zimou Tan and Anza Trail President Jackie Hare. The two held a meeting with Anza pioneer descendants Dick Cary, Margarat Wellman, and videographer B. Graezer to discuss the importance of preserving and documenting the town’s history.

"Anza has a very rich history, it needs to be documented and shared with the locals as well as to the outsiders to preserve it," said Cary, one of the pioneer descendants.

Tan, one of the initiatives of the project, explained the concept behind the project and how the project will be a tool to keep the heritage and information available for future generations.

The team welcomed ideas and expressed their willingness to support the project by contributing their skills and available resources. Graezer, a skilled videographer, will render his services to document the history of Anza through footage. Future meetings have been scheduled with the participants to discuss more details and action steps for the project.

"Though Anza looks like a small town, it has a very rich history and it is very important to preserve and document it. I am glad to be a part of this project," said Graezer, "It is going to be a big project, much more than what I have envisioned before this meeting."

Events / Calendar
  • Feb 17

    President's Day

  • Feb 27

    Deadline to withdraw courses

  • Feb 27

    Thursday Last day to apply for Winter quarter Leave of Absence

  • Mar 19

    Last day of classes

  • Mar 20

    Final exam period