Sunday, Feb 23, 2025


DC Journalism Students Experience Personal Growth Through Ministry Internship

February 25, 2020

Olivet School of Media and Communication (OSMC) Washington D.C. campus offers various ministry internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate sophomore Abby Peng and senior graduate student Sarah Murugan, who transferred from Riverside main campus to D.C. last year, reflect on their personal growth and professional development.

What do you do for your Ministry Internship in D.C.?

Abby: I write for a local church and preschool about their activities and development. The articles are published in their weekly bulletin.

Sarah: I intern for The Christian Post as a news reporter. I find leads from Christian organizations and news outlets to report about issues that concern Christians in India.

How does the internship prepare you for serving in the media ministry?

Abby: The internship provides me opportunities to practice interviewing and writing. As English is my second language, keep practicing it does help improve my communication skills.

Sarah: The internship broadens my knowledge and sense of news judgment. It sharpens my perspective to look at current events from a Christian point of view. Though I still have so much to learn, now I begin to have a strong desire to know the truth and report it without fear, which I think is important to my future ministry.

What is the greatest lesson you learned from your internship?

Abby: The greatest lesson I have learned from my internship is to cultivate curiosity about things happening around me and find more interesting leads.

Sarah: Persistence and persistence. There is no easy way out to good reporting.

What is your aspiration as a media professional?

Abby: I wish I can write more articles to encourage the Christian body and spread the good news to testify to God's work.

Sarah: I want to be a journalist who speaks on behalf of those who are ignored and denied justice, telling the truth without bias.

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