Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025


Olivet University Statement on the Conclusion of Olivet University New York on June 30, 2022

June 30, 2022

News Release: Olivet University Setting the Record Straight on NYSED Letter and Ensuing Media Coverage

Extension Site Turning Into World Mission Hub

Anza, California — Olivet University is making available the following public letter regarding the conclusion of operations at Olivet University New York in Lower Manhattan and Dover, NY on June 30, 2022.

Dear Friends,

On June 30, 2022 Olivet University ended a good, 10-year run in the state of New York with the conclusion of our temporary permission to operate by the New York Board of Regents.

We remain humbly grateful for this wonderful opportunity to carry out our mission to educate students for Christian mission in New York State.

From 2012 when we first opened an extension in Lower Manhattan, Olivet University New York was blessed to be able to do a lot of good work here, including revitalizing what has become our beloved facility in Dover, New York for use by both the school and the mission hub the “Evangelical Center.”

Olivet University always envisioned multiple uses for our Dover location beyond the school itself, in accordance with the founding purpose of our flagship school and seminary to be a “seedbed for mission.” And by the grace of God the Evangelical Center has grown rapidly since its dedication at Olivet University Dover in 2016, particularly as the headquarter offices for the 600-million member the World Evangelical Alliance.

Now, Olivet University’s Dover property will be used to serve evangelicals from around the world more than ever, with a variety of facilities and envisioned uses including space for the worldwide evangelical community, a technology park and Christian innovation center, a hospital to serve the mission community, a “business as mission” center, a sports center, and an evangelical-themed museum, and an entertainment complex, among others.

While we greatly rejoice in the Lord to have seen both the school and the Evangelical Center emerging and flourishing together, at the same time, it was admittedly a struggle to develop the Dover property for Olivet University and the Evangelical Center at the same time. Olivet University New York will be stepping back from offering credit-bearing courses for now, with the intention of diligently seeking to open a chartered institution at the right time and place in New York – an intention expressed in our charter application currently pending with the New York State Education Department. Meanwhile, we are thankful our Dover property can fully and beautifully serve our alumni and friends by being used to meet the Evangelical Center’s pressing needs for space, as well as for non-credit bearing religious training.

We want to emphasize that, in everything, the heart of Olivet University continues to be for our precious students. We sincerely thank God for each of them, and for the numerous pathways the Lord has provided for our New York-based students to receive a quality biblical higher education at Olivet University on our extension campuses outside of New York around the country.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has made providing education in New York possible and positive for Olivet University until now, especially at the New York State Education Department.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances” (1Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Events / Calendar
  • Mar 19

    Last day of classes

  • Mar 20

    Final exam period

  • Mar 21

    Last day to register without charge

  • Mar 26

    Winter quarter ends

  • Mar 31

    Late registration with fee begins