Saturday, Feb 22, 2025


OTCS Christian Apologetics Course Delves into the Reasons for Faith

January 19, 2023

Olivet Theological College and Seminary (OTCS) San Francisco offered an onsite course "Christian Apologetics" for the Winter 2023 quarter. Both US and International students enrolled in the online course. Students will delve deep into the reasons for Christian faith - a critical topic in relation to evangelism and spiritual growth. 

Assistant Professor Dr. Joseph Lee shared the key biblical reference for the study of apologetics: "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15 NIV) 

"Apologetics is an intellectual and existential strategy to reach out to non-Christians. Besides, it provides Christians with a compelling logic for their mature faith," said Dr. Lee.

This course aims to examine apologetics from biblical and theological perspectives. Apologetics is the field of Christian thought that focuses on the justification of the core themes of the Christian faith and its effective communication with the non-Christian World. Additionally, apologetics celebrates and proclaims the intellectual solidity, the imaginative richness, and the spiritual depth of the gospel in ways that can connect with cultures. 

The first class, entitled 'Theology and Apologetics,' covered the definition and history of theology, and the major themes of Christian Apologetics were followed. First, Apologetics is a defense, which is a reactive strategy to remove barriers to the Christian faith. Second, the apologists help the audience grasp the relevance of the faith, which is regarded as a positive dimension named 'commending.' Third, Apologists translate every bit of their theology into the vernacular for effective communication. 

Students actively engage in group discussions during class. They shared their opinions on why apologetics is important to Christians and non-Christians. They look forward to studying this course in depth.

Events / Calendar
  • Feb 27

    Last day to apply for Winter quarter Leave of Absence

  • Feb 27

    Deadline to withdraw courses

  • Mar 10

    Registration begins

  • Mar 19

    Last day of classes

  • Mar 20

    Final exam period